Course Description

Emotion regulation is one of the most important skills for building emotional wellness, reaching important life goals, and overcoming obstacles.  Teaching your clients emotion regulation skills will enable them to deal with emotional challenges more effectively and across a variety of situations.  

EmReg Training™ is an intervention that provides clients with a tool that can increase their sense of agency and self-control, and can empower them to to pursue their goals in their personal, social, and professional life.

This is a self-study course and you can adjust the learning experience to a pace that is comfortable for you. We designed the course with the objective to prepare you to put your training to use immediately.

Topics covered

  • The theoretical background of  EmReg Training™ 
  • The entire curriculum of EmReg Training™
  • Detailed instructions on how to use EmReg Training™ with your clients
  • Demonstration sessions with individual clients and groups
  • Description of factors that facilitate learning and enhance the client experience

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Provide a working definition of emotion regulation
  • Describe the impact of poor emotion regulation
  • Explain the role of emotion regulation in goal-directed behavior
  • Explain factors that optimize the benefits of EmReg Training™ for clients
  • Predict and address challenges in the delivery of EmReg Training™
  • Demonstrate how to use EmReg Training™ with clients

Continuing Education

6 CE credits are available for licensed psychologists upon completion of the course and the accompanying quizzes.

Bonus Materials

You will receive a free copy of the EmReg Training™ Clinician Manual and the EmReg Workbook™!

Need more support? We are here for you!

We provide live training and consultation to help you sharpen your skills.  We also provide workshops to clinical and professional teams in institutions and organizations.  Contact us at [email protected]

Course curriculum

    1. EmReg Training™: An emotion regulation intervention

    2. The Curriculum

    3. Welcome to EmReg

    4. The structure of the EmReg course

    5. How to Obtain the Manual and Workbook

    1. Introduction to Module 1 - Emotion regulation

    2. Setting the stage for EmReg

    3. Definition of emotion regulation

    4. The importance of emotion regulation

    5. Module 1 - Quiz

    1. Introduction to the Emotional Cycle

    2. Doing an Emotional Cycle

    3. When to do an Emotional Cycle

    4. Module 2 - Quiz

    1. Introduction to Module 3 - Emotions

    2. Emotions - Part 1: What is going on?

    3. Emotions - Part 2: What can I do about it?

    4. Module 3 - Quiz

    1. Introduction to Module 4 - Triggers

    2. Triggers - Part 1: What is going on?

    3. Triggers - Part 2: What can I do about it?

    4. Module 4 - Quiz

    1. Introduction to Module 5 - Sensations

    2. Sensations - Part 1: What is going on?

    3. Sensations - Part 2: What can I do about it?

    4. Module 5 - Quiz

EmReg Training™

  • $395.00
  • 6 hours of video content
  • 6 CE Credits
  • Manual and Workbook

Your Instructors

Theo Tsaousides

Theo Tsaousides is a rehabilitation neuropsychologist and clinical assistant professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He has extensive clinical and research experience in cognitive rehabilitation, focusing on interventions to improve the executive functions. In addition to his clinical practice, he delivers professional training workshops and provides consultation to individuals and organizations.

Faculty Teresa Ashman

Teresa Ashman is a rehabilitation neuropsychologist and an associate professor at NYU Langone Medical Center and at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine. Teresa’s research focuses on psychosocial issues for people with brain injuries and other chronic health conditions, and has authored over fifty publications.